Coin Value List
A high score suggests the coin attracts keen attention within the numismatic community, translating to good potential for solid future value growth; a low score means to expect a comparatively sluggish showing in the coin price guide. The Collector Index is found in the bottom row of every Coin Value Table in the print version. The prices listed within the NumisMedia FMV Price Guide represent our Fair Market Value determination for a properly graded coin within each category. The pricing information we report comes from all over the numismatic market including many reliable dealers known for their unbiased market knowledge and information. Coin values will vary with a number of conditions including year, condition and mintage. There are also professionally graded coins that will add diversity to your collection. There is a large variety of coins and collectible coins whose value will rise every year.
You have come to the right place if you need accurate and up to date value information about coins. Our coin value guide has pictures and prices for thousands of rare U.S. coins. Not only can you get history and auction data about your coin, you can also work directly with any of our coin experts to get straight answers on what your coins are really worth, if they should be graded, and if an auction is the right place to sell them for as much money as possible.

Coin Value List Uk
We are here to answer any and all questions. While we do buy a single rare coin or an entire collection, we may not always be the best person to sell to. In a situation where we feel like there might be a better or more logical buyer, we can refer that person to you free of charge. We are in the business of buying and selling coins because we have a passion for coins and the history they represent. Please give us a chance to share our knowledge with you.

Coin Value Listing
And while you are visiting our coin website, please view the video below to learn a little bit more about Stacks Bowers Coin Auctions. They are the oldest coin and currency auction firm in The United States. Many of the coin images on our website are from Stack’s extensive archive of tens of thousands of rare coins they have sold in past auctions.
Coin Value Listing
Using our gold coin values calculator couldn’t be easier. Simply enter the number of coins you have and the calculator will use the up to the minute gold value to calculate what the gold content of your coin(s) is worth.
Coin Value Lists And Images
Keep in mind that the way we determine your gold coin price is based purely on the content of gold in your coin(s) and the current value of gold, commonly referred to as the melt value. Obviously if your coins are in collectible condition they could be, and probably are, worth considerably more.