Pfr Poker

  1. Pfr Poker Stat
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  3. Vpip Pfr
  4. Pfr Poker
  5. Pfr Poker Hud
Holdem Manger 3 delivers new default HUD's for everyone. There's even an innovative new style of HUD called 'Graphical'. This HUD gives a visual representation of HUD stats by using circle graphs.

PFR is one of the absolute most important HUD stats in poker. PFR stands for preflop raise percentage and it is one of the #1 stats I rely on when playing online poker to determine player type. A good PFR in a 6max poker game is around 18. And a good PFR in a 9max poker game is around 12. In this VPIP & PFR video I cover the following:. What is VPIP and PFR. How to interpret these poker HUD stat%'s. Understanding which poker hands fall wit.

The new Holdem Manager 3 HUD's were designed to give you a powerful HUD with the most commonly used stats. Create more advanced HUD's and share them with friends. Every aspect of your HUD can be customized.
For details on customizing HUD's (Click Here)

Standard with Labels Standard no Labels
Both of the HUD's above list the exact same HUD stats; the only difference is the Standard with Labels HUDMeaning displays abbreviated HUD stat names in front of the HUD stat. Pfr
Start by using the Standard HUD with LabelsIdeal pfr poker. Once you get familiar with the HUD stat positions and what they are, switch to the Standard no Label HUD to save screen space.
Quick Tip: Hover your mouse over any HUD stat and a popup will appear telling you what HUD stat you are looking at.

HUD Stats By Horizontal Row - HM3 Standard HUD's

Row 1
Note Icon / Player Name / Total Hands / VPIP (Voluntarily Put $ Into Pot) / PFR (Preflop Raise) / Agg (Aggression) / 3Bet / Fold to 3Bet
Row 2
Early Position RFI (Raise First In) / Middle Position RFI / Cutoff RFI / Button RFI / Small Blind RFI
Row 3
Flop CBet / Turn CBet / River CBet / Flop Fold vs CBet / Turn Fold vs CBet / River Fold vs CBet
What do HUD stats mean?
  1. A quick Google search will provide the most detailed information about specific poker stats.
  2. Open the 'Add Report Stats' in Holdem Manager 3 and you will get a brief description of most stats used in Holdem Manager 3. (See Screen Below)

Advanced with Labels Advanced no Labels
Both of the HUD's above list the exact same HUD stats; the only difference is the Advanced with Labels HUD displays abbreviated HUD stat names in front of the HUD stat.
Start by using the Advanced HUD with Labels. Once you get familiar with the HUD stat positions and what they are, switch to the Advanced no Label HUD to save screen space.
Quick Tip: Hover your mouse over any HUD stat and a popup will appear telling you what HUD stat you are looking at.

Pfr Poker Stat

HUD Stats By Horizontal Row - HM3 Advanced HUD's

Row 1

Free Poker Online

Note Icon / Player Name / Total Hands / 3Bet Out of Position / 3Bet In Position / Fold to 3Bet Out of Position / Fold to 3Bet In Position
Row 2
VPIP (Voluntarily Put $ Into Pot) / PFR (Preflop Raise) / Agg (Aggression) / WTSD% (Went to Showdown) / W$SD% (Won $ at Showdown) / W$WSF (Won $ When Saw Flop)
Row 3
Early Position RFI (Raise First In) / Middle Position RFI / Cutoff RFI / Button RFI / Small Blind RFI

Vpip Pfr

Row 4
CB OOP Flop (CBet Out of Position) / CB OOP Turn / CB OOP River / CB IP Flop (CBet In Position / CB IP Turn / CB IP River
Row 5
FvsCB OOP Flop (Fold vs CBet Out of Position) / FvCB OOP Turn / FvCB OOP River / FvsCB IP Flop (Fold vs CBet In Position) / FvCB IP Turn / FvCB IP River

Pfr Poker

What do HUD stats mean?
  1. A quick Google search will provide the most detailed information about specific poker stats.
  2. Open the 'Add Report Stats' in Holdem Manager 3 and you will get a brief description of most stats used in Holdem Manager 3. (See Screen Below)

The new Holdem Manager 3 Tournament HUD uses some of the stats from the cash HUD's, but also provides big blind counts. This is critical for tournament play since players change their hand ranges depending on how deep or light their stacks are.
Quick Tip: Hover your mouse over any HUD stat and a popup will appear telling you what HUD stat you are looking at.

HUD Stats By Horizontal Row - Tournament HUD HM3 Standard

Row 1
Note Icon / Player Name / Total Hands / VPIP (Voluntarily Put $ Into Pot) / PFR (Preflop Raise) / Agg (Aggression) / Stack Size in Big Blinds
Row 2
Steal % / Fold to Steal% / 3Bet% / Fold to 3Bet% / CBet% (Continuation Bet) / Fold to CBet %

Pfr Poker Hud

What do HUD stats mean?
  1. A quick Google search will provide the most detailed information about specific poker stats.
  2. Open the 'Add Report Stats' in Holdem Manager 3 and you will get a brief description of most stats used in Holdem Manager 3. (See Screen Below)

Don't forget, you can always customize your HUD with over 2,000 HUD stats that Holdem Manager 3 provides. (Click Here)
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